Lost Spoilers and More
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I Think I'm Lost...

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Hello "Lost" Fans! You are visitor 71076 (as of 12/5/05)

This site is DEDICATED to Lost.

The "News and Spoilers" Page is for spoilers, news, and upcoming episode updates. You will be warned of spoilers, so don't worry!

The "Favorite Links" page has sites that are good references and good fun for all of you Losties!

The "I Think I'm Lost..." is a page for people who have missed an episode or the whole series of LOST and want to catch up. It explains how to download episodes online LEGALLY and where to buy the First Season Box Set DVD.

The "Photo Page" mostly has pics of the cast, crew, promotional photos, sightings, etc. It will be updates as much as possible, so keep checking back!

The "Theories" page has theories from viewers like you! I get them from e-mails to me and the forums, so keep checking back!

If anyone has any questions, my e-mail adress is below, so scroll down a little.

I hope you like this site! I know little about site-building, but wanted to make this site for a one-stop place for Lost Fans to come for spoilers, updates, and more! But, If there is something I'm doing wrong or I should change, please e-mail me!


Thank you, and namaste!

Recent Updates!!

updates are deleted when no longer needed, so keep checking back!

Spoilers for The 23rd Psalm added: 12/23/05

Additional episode on January (when LOST comes back) on the 11th called Revelations (pretty muich a summary episode)

Vanity Fair Photo of the Cast of LOST added: 12/10/05 (sorry---it's a little blury)

Up-Coming Episode Update added: 12/7/05

New Additions to the Site:

  • Every week I will have an "Interesting ScreenCap of the Week" on the home page. I will try to decipher along with all of you if there is a meaning to it, and I'll put up website links and information on it. *NOTE* It may take a day to get this up after the latest episode
  • A hit counter was added!
  • Pole of the Week added!
  • A link to this site's forum was added!


This site will not be updated as much durring the six week break of "Lost" due to lack of news and the holidays. The most this site will be updated is probably 2 times a week. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Happy Holidays!

Have ideas or questions?

E-mail me at BigMac558892@gmail.com

I'll get back to you ASAP!!

(I'm sorry if I don't get back to you quickly...I'll post on my site when I'll be gone)

Poll of the Week


Interesting ScreenCap of the Week

Why did Kate see it in her flashback and on the island? Does it mean something? E-mail me your thoughts and I'll put them down. I'll also post important finds right here! P.S. Sorry it's a big pic and you have to scroll to see all of it but I had to fit it all in!


Okay, so supposedly the color black in the bible represents sin, death, and famine. And, supposedly, a horse represents energy, fertility, freedom and power. So, how do those words relate to Kate?

  • Sin: she killed her father and many more crimes
  • Death: see above
  • Famine: not relevant, except I could make a stretch and use famine as a metaphor: her famine wasn't of food but of love from her father. That is a stretch...
  • Energy: She has energy? Another stretch...
  • Fertility: Not really anything except the fact that her now-dead "real" dad was the dad she didn't want...
  • Freedom: Kate's driving force; she wants it
  • Power: She doesn't want power, but she is controlled by it and running away from it

Thus, Kate saw herself in the horse and it was symbolism to her. That is the main reason it was in the episode.


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